Thursday, May 22, 2014

Dictyostelium Predation Assay

Day 1:  a)  Fill each well of a 96-well plate SM/2 broth with chloramphenicol, 20ug/ml.
                                b)  Add 10ul cosmid clone from a 96-well plate to each well
                      Get the plate from the -80 freezer.  Allow enough time for the plate contents to thaw   and inoculate the new plate with 10ul from each well using a multichannel pipettor. Keep the inoculum on the new plate in exactly the same orientation as the plate from the freezer.  Put a check on the original plate and replace it in the -80 freezer.
              c)  Incubate the subculture plate at 37 overnight.
Day 2:    a)  Scrape the Dictyostelium fruiting bodies from a bacterial plate and suspend in 1ml sterile water.  We use E. coli B/r.
               b)  Count the Dicty fruiting bodies using a hemocytometer, and dilute to 5 Dicty cells/ul.
      c)  Add 40ul of the above Dicty diln to each well of the subculture plate, giving a total of 200 Dicty cells/well. 
                         Each well of the 96-well subculture plate will thus have 10ul of overnight enriched cosmid clone and 200 Dicty cells.
                d)  Using an 8-channel multichannel pipettor, inoculate SM/2, Cm20 agar plates with 10ul cosmid clone/Dicty mixture.
                        Each 90mm plate can hold 4 rows of inoculum, A1-H1, A2-H2, etc.
                 e)  Allow the inoculum spots to dry on the plate before removing the plates to incubate at room temp in the dark.
                 f)  Spread each of 4 plates with 30ul from the A1 control well on the 96-well plate and incubate at RT in the dark.
                 g)  Incubate 4-6 days.

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