Monday, July 14, 2014

Effect of bacterial supernatant on A549 cells attachment (2 hours incubation)

Purpose: to see the effect of bacterial supernatan of the attachment of A549 alveolar epithelial cells.
bacterial strains: Stenotrophomonas maltophilia  BAA84(D457), BAA2423(K279a), ATTC 13270
E coli clones cosmid control , pDR1, pDR2.
The bacterial supernatant were prepared as in experiment in 11/7/2014.
A549 cells were counted and seeded into 96 well plate in RPMI media with 5% FBS, cells seeded in 2.5 x 10^4 cell /ml(using 100 ul per well).After 48h remove the media and incubate the cells with 100 ul of bacterial supernatant and 100 ul of RPMI media for 2 h in 37 c ,5% CO2 incubator.
A group of cells was treated with trypsin 1% as fallowing:

  • remove the media
  • wash wells with 100 ul hanks solution 
  • add 50 ul trypsin 1% for 90 seconds.
  • remove trypsin and wait for 5 minutes
  • wash 2-3 times with RPMI media 
  • add 200 ul of RPMI media for each well.     

 MTT assay used to read the result of the cells attachment.

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